Next meet-up, 30 April 2010

The next Birmingham Social Media Cafe will be at:

10am, Friday 30 April 2010 at the Coffee Lounge

Please pop by and say hello, whether you’re a regular attendee or it’s your first time, as all are welcome.

As yet there’s no sponsor so people will be buying their own coffees (gasp!). But there’s plenty of time yet so we’ll see…

Venue provides free wi-fi – ask at the counter for the password.

Who should come along?

Anyone interested in the future of media, how we organise, share, produce and enjoy it. If you’re an artist, film maker, student, journalist, musician, designer, writer, photographer or anything close or related.

May’s meet-up

Time really has flown since the last get-together and the next one is already just a couple of days away.

As ever we’ll be downstairs at the Coffee Lounge on Navigation Street from 10am to midday. Coffees this month are being provided by Clarity Digital. If you take advantage then do say thanks.

As with the last few meet-ups there’s likely to be a few people hanging around to do some work in the afternoon (co-working, as the kids are calling it).

There’s a good number of people signed up on the Facebook event and a couple more on the wiki so that’s all good. If you’re planning to come then maybe add yourself to one so others can see.

If you’ve not come down to the Birmingham Social Media Cafe before then it’d be good to see you. Things are nice and informal and the best way to get involved is simply to walk up to someone and introduce yourself. Everyone’s there for chats so get stuck in!